Recently I was accompanying my blogger friend Shanice for her skin analysis appointment at Kiehl's. While she was getting her skin checked, I had enough time to look at Kiehl's product range in detail. I had a look at their huge range of masks and I felt the need to
So guys, from now on I will try to do a Blog post with my Beauty Highlights each month. As a Beauty Blogger I get the opportunity to test many products and in the future I want to show you which products I would highly recommend. I will keep this
Many of you asked for a Review on the most hyped foundation on Instagram - so here you go. On my last trip in London I finally got my hands on the #FauxFilter foundation from Huda Beauty. Huda Beauty is an inspiration for me. I totally admire this lady for
Who has to fight with pimples/acne just like me? Over the time I had the chance to test many products which should help me to get rid of pimples/acne. In my teenage time, I had to fight with an extreme acne. I tried many creams but nothing helped and I had
Es war wieder mal an der Zeit meine kaputten Spitzen wegzuschneiden. Ich war so froh, dass sie endlich wieder ein bisschen gewachsen sind. Und allein der Gedanke, dass mein Friseur eine bestimmte Länge wegschneiden wird, tat mir weh. Bei einem Blogger Event bin ich auf die "Velaterapia" Behandlung, die auch
Recently I have started testing the new Beauty tool: Ikoo Brush E-Styler. I was very excited when I finally received the product. I have wavy hair but I like to have straight hair. It takes me almost upto 1 hour to straight my hair with the straightener. After watching many
Wir leben momentan in einer Zeit, wo Materialismus einen sehr hohen Wert hat. Wir vergessen öfters die kleinen Dinge in unserem Leben, die uns jeden Tag ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern. Leider ist es keine Selbstverständlichkeit mehr, einem anderen Menschen zu sagen, wie dankbar man ist. Dieser Beitrag dient dazu,
Dichte Haare und schöne Haut sind der Traum aller Frauen. Ich war seit klein auf mit dichten, voluminösen und sehr vielen Haaren gesegnet. Vor zwei Jahren wollte ich meine Haare braun färben lassen. Um dieses Ergebnis zu erreichen hat mein Friseur meine Haare ca. 40 min (!) gebleicht. Ihr könnt
It's that time of the year again, where I have to decide what to gift my best friend. Luckily I am blessed to have a best friend, who has almost the same likes and dislikes like me. For example, whenever we go to do some shopping, we end up having
Pink or red flowers on a black background - that's the design of the latest "Into the Dark Capsule Collection by KIKO Milano". I have a thing for gorgeous designs and packaging. I have tried some products from Kiko Milano approximately one year ago and I can't explain why I